SJKC- Level 2 English Grammar

Grammar forms part of the language contents in the Curriculum
Specifications for Year 2 SJK. Tw o sections have been listed to
assist teachers. In section 5 (a), grammar items to be taught have
been specified under the different grammar categories. To illustrate
what is meant by each category and at the same time to specify the
scope and depth of the items to be taught examples are given.
In section 5(b), suggested sentence patterns for teaching are given.
These sentence patterns are set out under functions. In teaching
these patterns, it is important that teachers teach them in context
and in a meaningful w ay.
6.1 Nouns
6.1.1 Proper Nouns (names of people/*places)
e.g. Ali, Siva, Cheng, Ipoh, Sabah
6.1.2 Gender (masculine, feminine)
masculine - boy (he)
feminine - girl (she)
6.2 Articles (with singular nouns)
6.2.1 ‘a’ is used before consonants.
e.g. a book, a pencil
6.2.2 ‘an’ is used before vowels
e.g. an apple, an egg
6.3 Pronouns
6.3.1 Personal pronouns
e.g. I, you, he, she, *they
6.3.2 Demonstrative pronouns
e.g. this house, that car
6.3.3 Interrogative pronouns (‘Wh’ question w ords)
i. What
e.g. What is this?
What is that?
ii. Who
e.g. Who is he?
Who is she?
6.4 Prepositions (of location)
e.g. in, on, under, *near, *at
6.5 Simple Present Tense (for habitual actions)
e.g. She walks to school.
6.6 Simple Past Tense (regular verb -ed)
e.g. He walked to school.
6.7 Sentence Types – simple sentence
e.g. I am a boy.
My name is Kenny Lim.
6.8 *Conjunctions e.g. *and, * or