Pusat Tuisyen Kita Cemerlang
Using Numbers
以字來書寫 100 以下的數目,而以阿拉伯數字來書寫 100 以上的數目,惟 100 以上的數目如能以兩個字來表示者例外 -- 你給我記住:twenty-one 和 ninety-nine 等加連字號的數目被視為一個字。
There are twenty-six students in my wife's third-grade class.
Michael is over 183 centimeters tall.
Hartford has over ninety-three thousand citizens.
Hartford has 97,500 citizens.
Michael is about 183 centimeters tall, which means that he is just over 6 feet tall.
My wife teaches 26 third-grade students.
There were five 4-foot boards on the trucks.
Seventy-two inches equals approximately 1.83 meters.
1998 was a very bad year for investors.
日期和年份:December 18, 1997。在書寫日期時,不可使用序數:Her birthday is on April 4th.
小數,百分比和分數:235.485, 55%, 14 1/4.
(比賽的) 得分:The Bulls won the final game by a score of 114 to 106.
金額:Tickets cost $35.50 apiece. The city spent $1.1 million for snow removal last year. (或使用 $1,100,000.) 你可以省略千分位的逗點:They spent $7500 on that car before junking it. 再者,地址和郵遞區號也不使用逗點:In 1998, they moved to NE 12887 53rd Avenue.
範圍:Lately between 18 and 25 bald eagles have been counted near the Connecticut River.
時間:9:15 a.m. (然而,如果你使用 o'clock 這個字,那麼你必須使用字來表示數目:We left at seven o'clock.)
只要你能秉持一致的原則,不管是要產生插入式列表 (run-in lists) 還是垂直式列表 (vertical lists),你都能駕輕就熟,游刃有餘。再者,技術文章的寫作在這方面可能有其本身的要求,所以你應查閱技術文章寫作手冊以瞭解特定的規則。插入式列表係在數字的兩邊加括號 (但數字的後面沒有句點):
I have three items to discuss: (1) the first item; (2) the second item; and (3) the third item. 不管表列項目是以項目或完整的句子來表示,請使用分號來將它們分開。
I have three items to discuss:
1. The first item
2. The second item
3. The third item